The tonsils are situated in the throat and when enlarged can readily be seen by inspection through the mouth, when they appear between the arches formed on each side by the back of the palate and the throat.
The adenoids are not visible to ordinary inspection. They lie in the nasal part of the throat just where it communicates with the nose, and it will be clear, therefore, that if they are enlarged by cold the result will be blockage of the nose, and one will become a “mouth-breather”.
The tonsils are full of small depressions or pits (openings) known as crypts. These crypts are lined with mucous membrane of a delicate type. There is a secretion which, to some extent, helps to lubricate the throat. When repeated colds and inflammations affect the tonsils and surrounding tissues, these crypts frequently become invaded by bacteria.
When they have become infected, the crypts furnish a particularly advantageous location for the multiplication of bacteria. It is difficult to reach these crypts for treatment by antiseptics. It is impossible to secure proper drainage (except by Yogic methods) and in the absence of which germ life continues to multiply and the tonsil become chronically diseased. They not only become non-functioning bodies, but become a menace to the health.
The bacteria and the toxins which they produce, invade the system in a number of different ways. Most of the discharges coming from diseased tonsils are swallowed. Thus germs invade the digestive tract and attack the more vulnerable parts such as the gall bladder and the appendix.
One who has infected tonsils is very likely to have, afterwards, a secondary infection of the gall bladder or the appendix. Many of the major perations on these organs may be primarily caused by diseased tonsils.
The bacteria and their products in the tonsils may enter the blood stream through the small vessels or the lymphatics. Such an invasion results in a general poisoning of the system which manifests in various ways – arthritis, neuritis, rheumatism, diseases of some of the vital organs, especially heart and lungs, in fact heart diseases, particularly in infections of the muscle or the lining of the heart, can often be traced to diseased tonsils.
The glandular system and the body chemistry may be disturbed, and there may be a perversion of nutrition.
Repeated colds may weaken the resistance of the tonsils. They may become acutely infected with some of the well known germs such as those causing pneumonia or the ordinary pus germs. With such an active inflammation, there is swelling, heat, redness, fever – a sore throat. With a chronic infection there may be no pain, no swelling, and not even a sore throat; but usually the pillars of the tonsils are inflamed which indicates the chronic irritation.