Stabilize both hands on the ground and lift both the legs up (Vriksh Asana is the prerequisite for this mudra). Stand just on the hands keeping the arms straight, raise up the head also. This mudra enhances strength of the body and saves semen.
Category: Hatha Yoga
Yoni Mudra
First of all sit in Siddhasana (posture), close the four openings that is ears, eyes, nose and mouth, with thumbs, index fingers, middle fingers and small fingers respectively of both the hands. It means cover the holes of ears with thumbs, eyes with both index fingers, and both nostrils with middle fingers and mouth is pressed with both the small fingers. Then Apana Vayu (air at rectum) is pulled up and united with Prana-Vayu. Thereafter concentrate on the Shat-Chakras. At the same time by the Guru mantra, awaken the snake like Kundalini Shakti. Raise the Kundalini to the Sahasrara Chakra and the sadhaka should feel as empowered and enjoying the company of Lord Shiva. With this mudra, one attains Samadhi very fast and he is liberated from deadlier sins also.
Viparitkari Mudra
Sun lies in the root of the navel, (solar nerve/solar plexus) and the moon (the lunar nerve) lies in mouth at the root of palate. The sun with its radiance pulls and consumes the nectar, which is secreted by the body and man is overpowered by death. To save that nectar, the sun is lifted up and the moon is lowered down, it is known as the Viparitkari Mudra. The method to do it is such that one should stabilize head on a small cushion on the ground in between palms of both the hands and raise feet upwards and stand straight on head. One who does this mudra every-day, the old age does not bother him.
Khechari Mudra
Tongue and the root of the tongue is joined by a nerve underneath it. This can be cut off under the supervision of the Guru. Then move the front and lower part of the tongue and pull the tongue slowly with fingers and with a pair of iron tongs as well. By doing this the tongue gradually becomes longer and with the regular practice lengthen it to such an extent that it reaches between the eyebrows. The take the tip of the tongue into the center of the palate (the passage where the nasal tracts and throat meet). There is a place like a pit, which is called Kapal Kuhar. Enter the tongue into this place upwards and look at the center of eyebrows. This is called the Khechari mudra. Those people who practice Khechari Mudra would never feel hunger, thirst, laziness and drowsiness. Diseases and old age never come to them. It prolongs life also.
Doing the Maha bandha first, then holding the air by kumbhaka pranayama do Uddiyan bandha, it is called mahabedha. Only those sadhakas who do this mahabedha including Maha bandha and Moola bandha, are known as the scholars of the best Yogic knowledge among the yogis. By doing this Mahabedha, yogis penetrate the Brahma Granthi (gland) through the passage of Sushumna (a central nerve that remains dormant in the spine).
Maha Bandha
Sit in a state of Moola bandha and contract rectum and genitals by pulling up and raising the Apana Vayu (prana situated at rectum and discharge waste), to unite it with Samana Vayu (prana situated at navel responsible for digestion) and lower the Prana Vayu (air that keeps the heart and lungs working). With this the nectar of the group of the nerve centers of the yogis moves upwards to brain.
Moola Bandha
Sit in Siddhasana by pressing rectum with heal of left foot and placing right ankle on the left ankle. This mudra delays old ageing.
Jalandhar Bandha
Contract throat by bending the head forward so that chin touches the chest. It is called Jalandhar-bandha. It strengthens heart.
Uddiyan Bandha
Contract the nerve center in the central part of the stomach including navel towards the spine. Many diseases are cured by itself with this bandha.
Nabho Mudra
A yogi even while busy in doing anything, keeps the tip of the tongue upwards in contact with uvula and breathes comfortably. The regular practice of this mudra keeps a yogi free from all diseases.