Matsyendr Asana




Fold your right leg and put the right foot over the left thigh. Lift your left leg and put the left foot near the right knee. Coil the right arm around the left knee and hold the left foot. Look in the direction of your left shoulder. Repeat on both the sides by changing the position of legs. 



  • Exercises the chest, neck and stomach.
  • Adds to the elasticity of the spine and legs.
  • Cures stomach and spinal disorders.
  • Reduces the enlarged abdomen.

Dvi-Pada-Shir Asana




Sit with your feet placed along with your ears. Fold your hands. For practice, the feet may be placed on the neck turn by turn till you succeed in doing it with both the legs together.



  • Gives strength and agility to thigh-joints.
  • Adds vitality to neck and backbone.
  • Beneficial for the abdomen.


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Mayur Asana




Lie down with your palms on the ground and stomach balanced on your elbows. Try to lift the whole body on your elbows. The elbows should touch the naval. Keep fingers apart.



  • Relieves constipation.
  • Augments the digestive power and cures stomach disorders.
  • Strengthens hands and arms.


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Garbh Asana




After sitting in Padam Asana, take out your arms amidst the legs and hold your ears with the fingers. You will be able to balance yourself by practice & mental effort. 



  • Useful for the spine, arms, chest & abdomen.
  • Tones up the nervous system.
  • Improves the appetite.
  • Cures constipation and other problems related to respiratory system.

Kukkut Asana




Sit in the posture of Padam Asana. Take out arms from between the legs. Raise the body as much as you can with your palms on the ground and stay up to your capacity.



  • Very useful exercise for Arms, Abdomen, Chest, Shoulders and Legs.
  • Cures constipation and asthma.
  • Improves Appetite.
  • Gives Vigor to the Arms.

Baddha Padm Asana




Sit in the posture of Padam Asana. Curl your left hand around the back and hold the right toe. Similarly hold the left toe with your right hand. Knees should touch the ground. Press the chin against the throat. Look at the tip of the nose.



  • Useful for the lungs.
  • Beneficial for the people suffering from Bronchitis and Asthma.
  • Checks the abdominal growth.
  • Improves digestion.
  • Helps in maintaining erect posture of the body.
  • Good for the chest and keeps the legs flexible.

Utthita Padm Asana




Sit in the posture of Padam Asana. Lift your body with your palms on the ground. Try to swing the body and also make effort to walk on the arms.



  • Strengthens shoulders, chest and arms.
  • Beneficial for the neck and lungs.
  • Removes the respiratory disorders.
  • Solves the problems related to intestines.

Padm Asana




Fold your right leg and put it over the left thigh. Now put the left leg over the right thigh. Keep your hands on the knees. Practice squatting in this position for about an hour for meditation. The spine has to be kept absolutely straight.



  • A good posture for prayers, meditation and Pranayama.
  • Keeps the body fit.
  • Removes leg deformities and knee troubles.
  • Relieves from back ache.

Chakr Asana




Lie on the ground. With your legs and arms folded raise the whole body above the ground. Bring hand feet as near as possible. Fingers of the hand should point towards feet.



  • Strengthens the spinal cord, neck, throat, arms and joints.
  • Conductive to elasticity and health for vertebral column.
  • Helps in physical growth.


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Hal Asana




Get into the position of Sarvang Asana. Touch the ground with your toes, keeping the legs straight. After a short pause, try to come to back slowly and steadily without jerks and without folding legs at any stage.



  • Exercises the whole body and keeps it disease free & active.
  • Regulates the functioning of the bowels and removes wind troubles.
  • Prevents the early ossification of vertebral bone.
  • Strengthens the spinal cord and intestine.
  • Increases the mental power.
  • Improves appetite.


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