Kati Chakra (Waist Rotation)


Stand straight, out hands behind the back, bend the body and head. Rotate the upper body from right to left and then from left to right. Repeat as many times as desired.



  • Prevents waist pain and bending of the body.
  • Hinders intestinal disorders and respiratory troubles.

Bhuja Chakra (Arms Rotation)


Stand erect. Rotate one arm from front to back several times. Then the other arm in the same way. Now repeat the first arm from back to front several times and the other one similarly.



  • Prevents and cures the stiffness of the shoulder bones, elbows, wrist and muscles of the arms.

Griva Chakra (Neck Rotation)


Sit in a relaxing position, loosen the muscle of the neck & rotate once from left to right and then once from right to left. Continue this process as long as desired.



  • Cures the stiffness of the neck and heaviness of the head.
  • Prevents the disease of spondilytis.
  • Tones the nerves of the eyes, ears and the nose.

Shav Asana


Lie straight and feel yourself completely at rest. Relax the body as if it is lifeless. Imagine the body is sinking into the earth.



  • Very beneficial for the cure of mental tension and the blood pressure, disorders of respiratory system.
  • Complete rest for the body.
  • May be done after every asana.

Bal Machlan (Body movements like a crying baby)


Lie down. Life the head, shoulders and the legs and then move arms and legs briskly like a crying baby. Take rest in between.



  • Helps both mind and body.
  • This exercise is the copy of a crying baby. It reminds childhood and helps to make one tension free.

Nadi Chalan (Arm Swings with Legs spread out while sitting)


Sit in the position with legs spread side ways. Swing briskly the arms alternatively while touching the left toe with the right hand and the right toe with the left hand. Take rest in between.



  • Makes body unusually active.
  • Warms the whole body.
  • Very useful exercise for the back, chest, belly, legs, arms, shoulders, fingers and for a number of other functions of the body.

Janu Prasar (Knee Swings)


Lie on the back. Put the foot of one leg on the knee of the other leg and then swing lightly the upper leg up and down. After a few swings change the position of both the legs and repeat the same action.



  • Beneficial for the thighs and the lower belly.
  • Tones the lower part of the spinal chord.
  • Improves bowel functions.

Nabhi Chalan (Naval Swings)


Lie down on the back and rotate the whole body from right to left and from left to right briskly. Take a bit of rest in between. The same could be done while lying on the belly; by this, the enlarged belly would shrink.



  • Tones the back bone and back muscles.
  • Improves digestion and cures wind disorders.
  • Could be done even after meals for proper digestion.

Pag Chalan (Foot Swings)


Lie on the back. Place one foot over the other and swing the lower heel from right to left and from left to right briskly. Then change the position of the feet – the lower one to be put up and the same movements to be repeated.



  • Cures any weakness in the feet and the legs.
  • The parts of the body below the naval are toned.

Sakandh Chalan (Shoulder Rotation)


While in the seating position rotate the shoulders alternatively first from front to back and then back to front. Take a brief rest in between.



  • Benefits neck muscles, shoulder joints, chest, lungs and heart.
  • Useful for abdomen.
  • Cures a number of ailments of respiration and the heart.