Kapalarandhra Dhauti or Head Passage Cleaning

The Kapalarandhra Dhauti is cleaning the nasal end located in the throat.


Enter the thumb into the mouth and rub with it the nasal cavity at the roof of the throat.  This is to be done in the morning after leaving the bed, in the evening before going to the bed and after the meals.


  • Keeps the nasal passage clean.
  • One remains free from bad cold.
  • Benefits the eye-sight.

Karnarandhra Dhauti or Ear Duct Cleaning

The Karnarandhra Dhauti is the cleaning of the auditory canals, the Eustachian tubes, which are located in the throat just behind the tonsils.



This is done by combining the second and the third fingers of a hand and entering them into the mouth and rubbing them against the end of the auditory canal. The right side can conveniently be cleaned with the right hand and the left with the left hand.



  • Prevents and cures  the defects of the ears.
  • Helps to some extent in production of the ‘Nada’ sound.

Jihvamula Dhauti or Tongue Cleaning


Combine together the second, the middle and the forth fingers and enter them into the throat rubbing and cleaning the root of tongue. Do it slowly and carefully till you get the feeling that the root of the tongue has become clean. Do it daily in the morning.


  • One doing it daily escapes from the disease and old age, for the phlegm and catarrh are cleared off and eliminated everyday.
  • Keeps one safe from bad throat and bad cold.

Dantamula Dhauti or Teeth Cleaning

This is to cleanse teeth everyday and is considered to be the chief among Dhauties which one should never miss.


The roots of the teeth should be rubbed clean with a twig, some medicine or even with dried earth. It must be done daily in the morning.



  • Preserves the teeth from decay and avoids foul smell.
  • Keeps the teeth bright and clean.

Bahishkrita Dhauti or Blowing Out

The Bahishkrita Dhauti is to cleanse the stomach and intestines by means of air. It must be learnt from an expert. 



Forming the lips like a crow’s beak, one should fill the belly with air and try to hold  it inside for a pretty long time and then evacuate the same through the rectum. Constant practice would be needed to master this feat.



  • Very useful for persons suffering from constipation or indigestion.
  • Promotes health and long life.

Vahnisara Dhauti or Heat Passing

The Vahnisara is to generate heat in the abdomen.



Sitting in some easy posture one should squeeze in and then loosen out the abdomen constantly for about a hundred times.  Start with ten such squeezing and add to this number gradually every day till it could be mastered fully.



  • Most useful for the phlegmatic people and fat persons.
  • Reduces fat belly.
  • Cures constipation.
  • Improves digestion.
  • Has very healthy effect on the liver and respiratory organs.

Varisara Dhauti or Water Passing

The Varisar is one of the most useful practices. It is also called the Shankha Prakshalana which means flushing of the alimentary canal. Its technique should be learnt from an expert to safe-guard against any harmful effects.



Drink as much warm, salty water as would fill the stomach up to the throat. Then have the abdominal movements as taught by the teacher till the water goes down into the intestines. Repeat the in-take of water followed by exercise till the fresh-like water begins flowing out of the rectum. Here, follow the advice of the teacher very closely regarding the rest and the diet needed after the practice. Any violations might result into serious trouble.



  • Cleans the intestines and removes germs present inside them.
  • Improves digestion system.
  • Cures blood related diseases.
  • Useful for good health.

Vatasara Dhauti or Wind Passing


Suck in the breath slowly through the mouth, shaping it like the crow beak. Then hold it inside the stomach, for the air thus sucked must go to the stomach through the food pipe. Retain the air up to your normal capacity of doing so and then blow it out through the same route i.e. the mouth.



  • Purifies the stomach by means of air.
  • Cures many diseases and considerably improves digestion.

The Dhauti

The Dhauti is of four kinds:

  1. Antar Dhauti or Internal Dhauti
  2. Danta Dhauti or Dental Dhauti
  3. Hrid Dhauti or Heart Dhauti
  4. Mula-shodhana Dhauti or Rectum Dhauti


  1. Antar Dhauti or Internal Dhauti is further classified into into four divisions as:
    1. Vatasara Dhauti or Wind Passing
    2. Varisara Dhauti or Water Passing
    3. Vahnisara Dhauti or Heat Passing
    4. Bahishkrita Dhauti or Blowing Out
  2. Danta Dhauti or Dental Dhauti has also four divisions as:
    1. Dantamula Dhauti or Teeth Cleaning
    2. Jihvamula Dhauti or Tongue Cleaning
    3. Karnarandhra Dhauti or Ear Duct Cleaning
    4. Kapalarandhra Dhauti or Head Passage Cleaning
  3. Hrid Dhauti or Heart Dhauti is classified into three sub-divisions as:
    1. Danda Dhauti or Stalk Dhauti
    2. Vamana Dhauti or Vomiting
    3. Vastra Dhauti or Cloth Dhauti
  4. Mula-shodhana Dhauti or Rectum Dhauti is meant for rectum cleaning.


If we sum up, the Dhauti would consist of the following twelve varieties for practice:

  1. Vatasara Dhauti or Wind Passing
  2. Varisara Dhauti or Water Passing
  3. Vahnisara Dhauti or Heat Passing
  4. Bahishkrita Dhauti or Blowing Out
  5. Dantamula Dhauti or Teeth Cleaning
  6. Jihvamula Dhauti or Tongue Cleaning
  7. Karnarandhra Dhauti or Ear Duct Cleaning
  8. Kapalarandhra Dhauti or Head Passage Cleaning
  9. Danda Dhauti or Stalk Dhauti
  10. Vamana Dhauti or Vomiting
  11. Vastra Dhauti or Cloth Dhauti
  12. Mula-shodhana Dhauti or Rectum Dhauti

Jangha Chalan (Leg Movements)


Stand erect. Move slowly one leg front and back several times. Then the other one similarly. May be done as long as desired. If you loose balance, take support of wall with one hand.



  • Prevents and cures stiffness or pain in the feet, knees and thighs.
  • Helps in smooth walking.