Panchdharana Mudra

This mudra is of five kinds:-

  1. Prithvi dharana Mudra (Earth element)
  2. Jala dharana Mudra (Water element)
  3. Agni dharana Mudra (Fire element)
  4. Vayavi dharana Mudra (Air element)
  5. Akashi dharana Mudra (Sky element)

All these are briefly explained here.

i) Prithvi dharana Mudra: The color of the earth element is yellow like turmeric. ‘Lakara’ is the seed of this element. With the help of yogic practice, concentrate by this seed, in the ‘Muladhara Chakra’. At the same time breathe in and while holding the breath for two hours (5 ghadi = 2 hours; 1 ghadi = 24 minutes) do not let the mind deviate. With this dharana the sadhaka gets no obstruction at all.

Note: (Holding of the breath for two hours is in such a way that the air is filled in with a deep breath and then not emptied completely but light breathing continues. It can be illustrated as a bucket is placed under a running tap; the water of the bucket gets replaced without emptying it. It is the same for all mudras where it is mentioned to hold breath for two hours).

ii) Jala dharana Mudra: The color of water element is white like conch and moon and it is beautiful like bright lotus. ‘Vakara’ is the seed of this and God Brahama resides here. With the help of a yogic practice concentrate on the group of the water element in ‘Swadhishthana Chakra’ and at the same time breathe in and stabilize in Kumbhaka pranayama for two hours. This mudra does away with the unbearable troubles and sins of the individual. (Breathe in with both nostrils).

iii) Agni dharana Mudra: The place of the fire element is the navel. Its color is bright red. ‘Rakar’ is the seed here and Vishnu is the God of the place. There is a group of radiant elements here. It is enlightening and begets divine powers. With the strength of yoga awaken this fire element here in the ‘Manipur Chakra’, do ‘Kumbhaka’ for two hours with a concentrated mind. With the practice of this mudra, the sadhaka gets rid of the worldly fears.

iv) Vayavi dharana Mudra: This air element is of ash-black color. ‘Yakar’ is the seed of this and Shiva is the God of the place Anahata Chakra. This element is satvagunamya (which bestows virtues). With the practice of yoga, while doing Kumbhaka  pranayama, concentrate on ‘Anahata Chakra’ for two hours. With the practice of this mudra, sadhaka can never die because of respiratory problems.

v) Akashi dharana Mudra: The sky is the element of this and its color is bright like pure sea water. The soul is the God of this place Vishudha Chakra, and ‘hakar’ is the seed of it. Meditate on this sky element by concentrating in ‘Vishudha Chakra’. Simultaneously, do Kumbhaka for two hours. This mudra opens the door to moksha or liberation.

Shaktichalani Mudra

The divine power Kundalini lies dormant in the Muladhar Chakra. This power is coiled in three and half circles in the shape of a snake at the bottom of spine. A person remains in ignorance as long as it remains dormant in body. For him it is difficult to differentiate between Satya and Asatya (truth and untruth) and the true knowledge cannot be attained even with all the efforts. Therefore, it is said that as we can enter a gate immediately after unlocking its doors with key, exactly the same way when the Kundalini awakens, the ‘Braham dwara‘ (divine gate) can be opened, which imparts the knowledge of the truth and untruth. This mudra is to be practiced in some secluded place. Sit in Siddhasana, breathe in from both the nostrils and forcefully unite Prana Vayu with the Apana Vayu.  Practice Aswini Mudra by contracting the rectum unless the air enters and brightens up in the Sushumna Nadi. In this way, by breathing and holding the breath, the snake shaped Kundalini wakes up and moves upwards. Without practicing the Shaktichalani mudra the Yoni mudra cannot be accomplished. Hence one should practice Shaktichalani mudra before the Yoni mudra. It can be achieved with regular practice and it does away with old age and one can attain control over the time of one’s death.