How to Cure – Catarrh

If the cold is not got cured by means of ‘neti’ and due to carelessness of diet and neglect of proper hygiene it is let to persist longer than its normal course these conditions, which have been beautifully summed up in the books of Ayurveda, result*:-

सर्व एव प्रतिश्याया नरस्याप्रतिकारिण:।
दुष्टतां यान्ति कालेन तदा साध्या भवन्ति च।
मूर्च्छन्ति कृमयश्चात्र श्वेता: स्त्रिग्धास्तथाSणव:॥

i.e. The colds of that person who does not take precautions to cure them become chronic and incurable. At the place (of inflammation) there multiply germs which are minute white and glossy.

The condition of chronic discharge from the nose is called catarrh. It also sets up various secondary complaints, even to causing disease in the bones of the nose, the forehead and the cheeks with a constant pain and heaviness in them. This disease has a harmful effect on the whole system, and the catarrh victim cannot be a healthy person.

Such a condition has been regarded almost incurable by medical men. But by Yogic methods this is easily curable. The treatment will take from a fortnight to one month according to the severity of the attack and the duration of the disease.

The patient should regularly practise sutra neti followed by jala neti with saltish lukewarm water. He should also do the ‘Kapala Bhati Pranayama‘ for five minutes daily after the ‘neti’. The ‘Kapalabhati’ should be done in the evening before going to bed. The process of ‘Kapala Bhati’ is as follows:-

Kapala-Bhati Pranayama
Breathe in and breathe out through the nose as rapidly as you can. It should produce sound like the bellows of a black smith. Take ten twelve breaths at a stretch and then stop for a few seconds to do it again. Continue this process for five minutes. According to the Hatha Yoga Pradipika also this practice destroys phlegm:

भस्त्रावल्लोहकारस्य रेचपूरी ससंभ्रमौ ।
कपालभातिर्विख्याता कफदोषविशोषणी ॥ (II-35)

i.e. Perform ‘Rechaka’ (breathing out) and ‘Puraka’ (breathing in ) rapidly like the bellows of a black-smith. This is called ‘Kapala-Bhati’, and it destroys the disease of the phlegm.

During the course of treatment, light meals only at fixed intervals are prescribed. Fruit and vegetables are beneficial, butter and milk should be taken in very limited quantities only. Any thing that causes phlegm should be avoided.

*Yoga Ratnakar नासारोगनिदान verses 28, 29

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